Opening hours January 2017
17.01.17Here’s our hours (as shop or a bar/shop) for the rest of January. Not we are closing early this Friday for the #tryanuary bottle share, tickets still left
Opening hours January 2017
Tuesday 17th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Wednesday 18th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Thursday 19th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Friday 20th January, 11am to 7pm (as a shop)
Saturday 21st January, 11am to 11pm (as a bar and shop)
Sunday 22nd January, 11am to 8pm (as a bar and shop)
Monday 23rd January CLOSED
Tuesday 24th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Wednesday 25th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Thursday 26th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Friday 27th January, 11am to 8pm (as a shop)
Saturday 28th January, 11am to 11pm (as a bar and shop)
Sunday 29th January, 11am to 8pm (as a bar and shop)
Monday 30th January CLOSED