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Tryanuary Bottle Share

Friday 20 January

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To support Tryanuary, we are hosting a bottle share event at 7pm on Friday 20th January. This is an opportunity for you to bring an interesting beer to share with the other attendees. In return you get to try a load of other beers from peoples collections.

The plan will be for every attendee to bring at least one big bottle (750ml or more) or the same amount of beer in multiples of a smaller size. Please ensure it’s something interesting – either not easily available to others, or something you’ve been storing away for a special occassion. We’ll be pulling out a couple of beers from our personal cellar.

This is a free ticketed event. Please be aware we are only able to do off sales on this day, so any beer drunk during the event must have been brought with you to the shop and not purchased on the day.

To register for this event, please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/vessel-beer-shop-bottle-share-tickets-30923022593?aff=es2